予約 Bard X 柯基计画Studio Sekiro VS Genichiro Ashina 55.4cm スタチュー

予約 Bard X 柯基计画Studio Sekiro VS Genichiro Ashina 55.4cm スタチュー

販売価格: 113,430円(税込)



Special Description:
Two characters and scenes
Kusabimaru+two mortal blade+Genichiro's sword+four scabbards
Removable lightning of Tomoe effects parts
Letter of introduction and bonus.
(Note: Sekiro’s Immortal Blade and Genichiro’s Immortal Blade are both gifted special replacement elements. The Immortal Blade on Sekiro’s back can be disassembled to restore the scene of the game. Collectors can replace and match them by themselves)

サイズ: (H) 82.5 cm x (D) 44. cm x (W) 55.4 cm
(H) 75 cm x (D) 44. cm x (W) 55.4 cm (without lightning effects)
